CCUS 2014: 7th Annual Critical Care Ultrasound Symposium

For the 7th edition of our Annual Symposium, we’ve assembled a great cast of characters to bring your bedside ultrasound game to a whole new level! Whether you’re a novice or have some experience in bedside ultrasound, we’re sure you’ll find our program very interesting, as the perspective we have chosen to take is patient-based, with each lecture explaining how ultrasound findings are integrated into clinical decision-making.
First of all, it’s in Montreal, May 10th and 11th, 2014. If you’re from out of town, its an awesome city to visit, and if you’re a Montrealer, well, it’s an awesome conference at home!
Indeed, this isn’t “just” a “how-to” course - although that is what we’ll be covering in the workshops which will follow each lecture – but a “how to integrate ultrasound into your daily practice” course, so no matter what your level is, you’ll find something suited for you. The workshops will be divided into novice and experienced and with a low participant to faculty ratio, will ensure a great experience.
So what are we going to be talking about?
In the CC/ED/hospital scene:
- the patient with chest pain, by Max Meineiri
- the patient with CHF, by Mike Stone
- the patient with renal failure, by Sara Sebbag
- the patient with a swollenleg, by Michael Woo
- what’s my patient’s volume status? By Ashraf Fayad
- the patient with a decreased level of consciousness, by Robert Chen
- the patient in shock, by JF Lanctot and Max Valois
- the patient with abdominal pain, by Haney Mallemat
- the patient with a bowel obstruction
- the patient with broken bones: finding and freezing, by Catherine Nix
- the patient with dyspnea, by Alberto Goffi and Edgar Hockmann (KEYNOTE)
- the hemodynamically unstable patient: multi-modality assessment, by Andre Denault (KEYNOTE)
In the office scene:
- the patient with a neck mass, by Sarah Sebbag
- the patient with arthritis, by Alessandra Bruns
Who made this up? Our scientific committee is made up of Michael Woo, Catherine Nix, Edgar Hockmann, Alberto Goffi and Andre Denault, who is also the co-chair – with myself – of this year’s symposium.
For those of you part of the twitterverse and #FOAMed movement, you’ll get a chance to meet @criticalcarenow (Haney), @bedsidesono (Mike), @nobleultrasound (Vicki), @EGLS_JFandMax (JF and Max) and @ThinkingCC (yours truly) … will be there to chronicle the event and bring the highlights to the #FOAMed world.
So who should come? Anyone taking care of sick patients. If you’re an ED doc, ICU doc, hospitalist, anaesthetist, surgeon, student or resident, this stuff is gold. Even if most of your practice is office-based, precise assessment of dyspnea, volume status and cardiac function is highly practical.
Additionally, there are several very interesting pre-congress courses taking place on May 9th, particularly the Echo-Guided Life Support course (JF Lanctot and Max Valois), a Bedside Ultrasound Course for Nurses, an Acute Care Procedures Course and a Symposium for Ultrasound Educators on how to set up training programs. All in all, a lot of great stuff.
For more details and registration, please go to And yes, of course there are CME credits by the University of Montreal.
As I said a few months ago - well, tweeted, to be exact – if you’re an acute care MD and NOT using bedside point-of-care ultrasound, you’re stuck in the 20th century… rude, but true.
Hope to see you there!
Philippe Rola President, CCUS Institute