A Free & Open-Access Hemodynamic Physiology Curriculum
Jon-Emile S. Kenny [@heart_lung]
“A rising tide lifts all boats.”
-John F. Kennedy
Two years ago, heart-lung.org went live – a project borne out of my deep interest of the inter-connectedness of the cardiovascular and respiratory pumps. I have been truly amazed and deeply appreciative of the kind words which I have received from around the world; indeed, I often find myself suffering from imposter syndrome. I owe the dissemination of my words and lectures to many, but especially Matt of this site, Scott at Emcrit and many others [Intensive Care Network, Phil Rola, Josh Farkas, Segun at LITFL et al.].
I do also understand that many of my lectures are long and detailed and sometimes devoid of clinical application – I am wont to falling into physiological rabbit holes. This announcement – I hope – is my remedy. I am extremely excited to be in the midst of a Master’s Degree in Medical Education at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Firstly, this degree affords me recurrent trips to a truly magnificent country. I am amazed by my classmates and our shared interest for teaching within the healthcare field. It is an incubator for medical pedagogical thought. Secondly, this degree has generated an adjunct to my physiology lectures and writings – clinically-relevant, hemodynamic physiology learning modules.
I have already posted 4 of them and will continue to add more. The modules are firmly based in a constructivistic epistemology – that is, knowledge is not transmitted from the learned to the learner, but rather created by the student. This requires active interaction with learning material – cognitive processes which are deep in nature. Learning should be problem-focused and relevant, learning is augmented by peer dialogue and it must foster self-direction and self-assessments. Life-long learning is for what all health care professionals strive.
Lastly, as a fledgling member of the #FOAMed [free open access medical education] revolution, I am deeply committed to keeping my creations completely free and available for all. No one has articulated the ethos of this movement – to my eye – better than Dr. Cabrera who wrote:
“As Clinician Educators our job is not to create knowledge obscura, trapped in ivory towers and only accessible to the enlightened; the knowledge we create and manage needs to impact our communities.”
Thanks again,