Sharpen your eye with these free online radiology tutorials
Pulmonologists become fairly good semi-professional chest radiologists simply by showing up, paying attention and working hard during their training, and making an effort to keep learning throughout their careers. We have the advantage over radiologists of actually being able to "clinically correlate" the findings with what's really going on, and to integrate that into our understanding of what we see on films. Still, specialized chest radiologists will always be the best (I believe) at quickly and intuitively recognizing pure radiographic patterns--they may review as many studies in a day as you see in a month, no matter how busy or diligent you are.
But it's mostly a numbers game. For those in training or beyond who want to train their eye to become even sharper at radiology, here are a list of online radiologic education resources for you to explore. Most are free. An hour spent here or there looking at films is a nice way to get better at your job without having to read yet another journal article, I say.
Free Online Chest Radiology Tutorials & Image Databases
Korean Society for Thoracic Radiology Huge database of images and cases; many are obscure. AuntMinnie Immense, comprehensive, cluttered, limit to chest. FSFB-CIDER Great chest radiology tutorials for residents/fellows. RadioGraphics library 150 full text articles on various diseases, imaging RadQuiz Crowd-sourced cases and other resources. MedPix database Click "Chest" in top horizontal menu. Radiology Education Clearinghouse / List of other good sites. Self-tests, better for those in training. YottaLook Search engine for good images from other sources. Radiology journal article List of some other sources.
If you have other good sites to suggest for addition to this list, comment below or shoot us an email. Enjoy!