PulmCCM Journal Launches: Your Submissions Welcome
Dear colleagues, I am excited to announce the launch of PulmCCM Journal, a new online, open access, peer-reviewed journal serving the practicing physician in critical care and respiratory medicine. PulmCCM Journal’s primary mission will be publishing high-quality, highly useful reviews of important clinical topics to improve decision-making and the quality of care worldwide. Case reports, journal club literature reviews, decision support tools, and opinion/editorial pieces are also welcome. As it evolves, we hope the journal's digital format incorporates the best features of traditional print review journals, subscription services, continuing medical education programs, and informal peer-to-peer communications:

Our editors include Daniel Brodie, Michael Donahoe, Heidi Frankel, Peter Fedullo, Erin Kross, Fabien Maldonado, Darlene Nelson, Paul Marik, Marvin Schwarz, Jonathon Truwit, Allan Walkey, and Elizabeth Wilcox. I feel fortunate to be embarking on this project with these exceptional scholars and teachers and I thank each of you again for your contributions. Our online format will permit reviews to be periodically updated to incorporate new research findings, therapies, governmental actions, etc. In this fashion, we aim to produce an evergreen, up-to-date reference library of topics to guide clinical practice. The journal will be completely free for both readers and authors. We look forward to the inclusion of PulmCCM Journal in PubMed and other scholarly indexes after meeting the National Library of Medicine’s requirements. For authors, PulmCCM Journal offers rapid peer review and publication of good-quality manuscripts suited to our audience, with no publication fees. For readers, we aim to create a physician-centric publication in which every article is worth your valuable time and attention. What we need now is ... you! Authors, please review the submission guidelines, create an author profile, and submit your work to PulmCCM Journal. Those interested in becoming peer reviewers, please reach out here. In addition to enhancing your own CV, you'll help us build this important alternative voice in medical publishing and increase access to accurate information for our colleagues practicing medicine around the world. Your questions, comments, and suggestions are all welcome at pulmccmcentral@gmail.com. All the best, Matt