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The proliferation of competing medical journals, each packed with low-impact studies, makes it difficult to keep up with important new research findings in critical care.
PulmCCM provides concise analyses of (almost) all the information critical care professionals need most, in one convenient place. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox, so you won’t have to worry about missing anything.
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PulmCCM is an information service for critical care professionals and does not offer medical advice. If you are not a critical care professional, please do not subscribe or use the site. Please consult your doctor regarding your health care and do not rely on information from PulmCCM. By using PulmCCM, you agree to the Terms of Use.
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“Outstanding and thoughtful commentaries on the world of Critical Care Medicine. The critical analysis and honest appraisal of the strength of data supporting common processes of care is a breath of fresh air for our profession.”
“A must-have advantage to survive in the healthcare environment.”
“I support your work because there is such limited time in a busy practice to keep up with all the changes and updates to critical care medicine.”
“Just a brief glimpse of the newsletter in my email gave me more information that was relative to my job than all the other blogs/podcasts to which I subscribe.”
“As a busy community doc, involved father, and person with interests outside of medicine, your posts have been an invaluable distillation for keeping me informed and up to date with my practice.”
“Your work is awesome! I definitely respect the ability to teach complex concepts in a concise, applicable manner.”
“Saves me time, allows me to prioritise what to read this week when I'm overwhelmed with options for CME.”
“You’re making me a better doctor.”